Monday, January 10, 2011

The Journey Begins With Desire

I hope everyone is still excited about starting this journey together. Over the next weeks I will be sharing my own reactions and experiences. As I go through the book with the companion Study Guide, I'll post questions from the study guide for everyone to answer and share their reactions.

Read at your own pace, you need not keep the pace of these discussions. Please come back to see if there are questions you may want to ask yourself to help you discover more or if you just want to see everyone's individual responses. I am breaking each chapter up into smaller discussions to give everyone a chance to really dive deep and find those pearls hidden deep within.

Feel fee to email me if you want to contribute as a guest blogger or if there is something you would like me to post on your behalf for discussion. This is a circle of trust where you can find support, encouragement and hopefully a laugh or two. Feel free to email me with prayer requests, post suggestions or pictures to share. Here we go...

Chapter One

So far so good. John and Staci dive into The Heart Of A Woman and here we learn, "The journey begins with desire."
" her heart of hearts, every woman longs to be romanced, to play an irreplaceable role in a heroic adventure and to unveil beauty."
They go on to set the tone by setting our expectations what we can expect from Captivating. In the coming weeks we will take a look at the desires in chapter 1 and try to find and claim these desires in our own lives. Before we dive in to our desires, take a moment to ask yourself, "Where do my desires live?"

We can find the answer in the Proverb scripture noted in chapter one.

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life" (Proverbs 4:23).

Take a moment and read it to yourself, read it out loud, write it down. Find the scripture in different Bible translations and see if anything resonates with you.

This was the first scripture I learned. It reminds me that God knows my heart to the core, He knows me better than myself. My heart is where my desires live and where God's desires for me live. My heart is what the Devil will try to corrupt with negative self talk, temptation, doubt and other evils of the world. "Above all else..." It is important that we discover and acknowledge our life-giving desires and passions. Left neglected, the door to our heart is open for the evils to come in unwelcome. Then feelings of being unseen, unsought and uncertainly are sure to follow. "Above all else, guard your heart..."

"Your feminine heart has been created with the greatest of all possible dignities- as a reflection of God's own heart."
I hope you enjoy the book. Here is a short video clip from the Captivating video companion. I'll post them as I find them.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Thank you for joining me

I started to read Captivating last year but didn't quite get past the 1st chapter. I am ready to pick it back up and discover all that God has in store for me. I invite you all to join me in this journey. I opened this blog for everyone to share, ask questions, or just as a place to come and read comments and entries. Use it how you want.

I will try my best to post insightful entries. If you you would like to contribute as a guest blogger, please let me know. This is an open forum for all. Enjoy yourself but please keep all comments and discussions on topic.

Feel free to invite others to join us. This isn't a traditional nor is it a formal book club. There is no reading schedule to abide by. :) Visit and comment often.

I am blessed to know so many strong, beautiful, wise, loving and CAPTIVATING women! Thank you again. I love you all.


P.S. Forgive me in advance. I am not a professional blogger nor did I graduate with an English degree. I over use punctuation, type too fast for my own good at times and often type how the words float around in my head. I apologize up front. He he he
Thursday, January 6, 2011


Test Post for editing purposes. Check back soon.

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